Monday 30 April 2012

Thank crunchy it's Standard Fare

Standard Fare aren't messing about. Just a few months after their mighty 'Out of Sight, Out of Town' album was released they're ready for the new season to start by releasing a new single called 'Girlfriend' on WIAIWYA.

It's one of those slow-burning songs in the mould of 'Wow', which explodes half way through and ends up taking flight. The lyrics are also as bitchy as anything, and I fully endorese this, whilst the crunchy bass threatens to crush you soon as look at you.

As usual, it's pretty amazing, but don't take my word for it - have a listen yourself.

This post is in memory of Lee Kenton, an old friend without whom I'd have probably gone back to Grimsby and worked in a frozen pea factory for the rest of my life. Thanks for everything, Lee.

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